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Fig. 2 | Knee Surgery & Related Research

Fig. 2

From: Higher rates of fully preserved posterior cruciate ligament in total knee arthroplasty using a double tibial cut: a prospective randomized controlled trial

Fig. 2

Sagittal MRI scans showing the different techniques of tibial cutting. The white continuous line represents the PCL insertion in the PCL facet. A Double tibial cut technique. The dotted line 1 and 2 represent the first and second tibial cut; the white dotted line represents the residual bone adjacent to the PCL insertion after the second cut. B Bone island technique. The white dotted line represents a limited osteotomy performed to isolate a bone block in front of the PCL. When the bone block is inadvertently undermined by the saw blade (black dotted lines) its anchoring area is reduced leading to increased risks of detachment due to the traction exerted by the PCL. C en bloc resection. The image highlights the risk of damaging, and difficulty in protecting, the PCL insertion when this technique is used

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